Aguirre CG, Stolyarova A, Das K, Kolli S, Marty V, Ray L, Spigelman I, Izquierdo A (2020). Sex-dependent effects of chronic intermittent voluntary alcohol consumption on attentional, not motivational, measures during probabilistic learning and reversal. PLoSONE 15(6): e0234729.
Hart EE*, Blair GJ*, O’Dell TJ, Blair HT, Izquierdo A (2020). Chemogenetic modulation and single-photon calcium imaging in anterior cingulate cortex reveal a mechanism for effort-based decisions. The Journal of Neuroscience 40 (29) 5628-5643. *co-first authors
Stolyarova A*, Rakhshan M*, Hart EE, O’Dell TJ, Peters MAK, Lau H, Soltani A, Izquierdo A (2019). Contributions of anterior cingulate cortex and basolateral amygdala to decision confidence and learning under uncertainty. Nature Communications 10: 4704. *co-first authors
Soltani A and Izquierdo A (2019). Adaptive learning under expected and unexpected uncertainty. Nat Rev Neurosci doi: 10.1038/s41583-019-0180-y.
Hart EE and Izquierdo A (2019). Quantity versus quality: Convergent findings in effort-based choice tasks. Behavioural Processes 164: 178-185.
Izquierdo A, Aguirre C, Hart EE, Stolyarova A (2019). Animal models of adaptive learning and decision making. Psychiatric Disorders (2nd Edition) Methods Mol Biol 2011:105-119.
Hart EE, Gerson JO, Izquierdo A (2018). Persistent effect of withdrawal from intravenous methamphetamine self-administration on brain activation and behavioral economic indices involving an effort cost. Neuropharmacology 140: 130-138.
Izquierdo (2017). Functional heterogeneity within rat orbitofrontal cortex in reward learning and decision making. The Journal of Neuroscience 37(44): 10529-10540.
Stolyarova A and Izquierdo A (2017). Complementary contributions of basolateral amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex to value learning under uncertainty. eLife
Thompson AB, Gerson J, Stolyarova A, Bugarin A, Hart EE, Jentsch JD, Izquierdo A (2017). Steep effort discounting of a preferred reward over a freely-available option in prolonged methamphetamine withdrawal in male rats. Psychopharmacology 234(18): 2697-2705.
Hart EE, Gerson JO, Zoken Y, Garcia M, and Izquierdo A (2017). Anterior cingulate cortex supports effort allocation toward a qualitatively preferred option. Eur J Neurosci 46(1): 1682-1688.
Hart EE and Izquierdo A (2017). Basolateral amygdala supports the maintenance of value and effortful choice of a preferred option. Eur J Neurosci 45(3): 388-397.
Hart EE, Stolyarova A, Conoscenti M, Minor TR, Izquierdo A (2017). Rigid patterns of effortful choice behavior after acute stress in rats. Stress 20(1): 19-28.
2016 and earlier
Izquierdo A, Pozos H, De La Torre A, DeShields S, Cevallos J, Rodriguez J, Stolyarova A (2016). Sex differences, learning flexibility, and striatal D1 and D2 following adolescent drug exposure in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 308: 104-14.
Izquierdo A, Radke AK, Brigman JL, Rudebeck PH, Holmes A (2016). The neural basis of reversal learning: An updated perspective. Neuroscience doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.03.021.
Izquierdo A and Silva AJ (2016). Hijacking translation in addiction. eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.14576.
Wassum KM & Izquierdo A (2015). The basolateral amygdala in reward learning and addiction. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 57: 271-283.
Thompson AB, Stolyarova A, Ying Z, Zhuang Y, Gómez-Pinilla F, Izquierdo A (2015). Methamphetamine blocks exercise-induced increases in Bdnf and Drd2 gene expression in frontal cortex and striatum. Neuropharmacology 99: 658-664.
Stolyarova A and Izquierdo A (2015). Distinct patterns of reward valuation and amygdala-prefrontal cortex synaptic remodeling in adolescence and adulthood. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00115.
Ochoa JG, Stolyarova A, Kaur A, Hart EE, Bugarin A, Izquierdo A (2015). Post-training depletions of basolateral amygdala serotonin fail to disrupt discrimination, retention, or reversal learning. Frontiers in Neurosciencedoi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00155.
Stolyarova A, Thompson AB, Barrientos RM, Izquierdo A (2015). Reductions in frontocortical cytokine levels are associated with long-lasting alterations in reward valuation after methamphetamine. Neuropsychopharmacology 40: 1234-1242.
Stolyarova A, O’Dell SJ, Marshall JF, Izquierdo A (2014). Responses to positive and negative feedback and associated dopamine and serotonin transporter binding after methamphetamine. Behavioural Brain Research 271: 195-202.
Ye T, Pozos H, Phillips TJ, Izquierdo A (2014). Long-term effects of exposure to methamphetamine in adolescent rats. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 138: 17-23.
Izquierdo A, Darling C, Manos N, Pozos H, Kim C, Ostrander S, Cazares V, Stepp H, Rudebeck PH (2013). Basolateral amygdala lesions facilitate reward choices after negative feedback in rats. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(9): 4105-9.
Kosheleff AR, Rodriguez D, O’Dell SJ, Marshall JF, Izquierdo A (2012). Comparison of single-dose and escalating methamphetamine administration on reversal learning in rats. Psychopharmacology, 224(3):459-67.
Izquierdo A, Carlos K, Ostrander S, Rodriguez D, McCall-Craddolph A, Yagnik G, Zhou F (2012). Impaired reward learning and intact motivation after serotonin depletion in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 233 (2): 494-9.
Izquierdo A and Jentsch JD (2012). Reversal learning as a measure of impulsive and compulsive behavior in addictions. In: Robbins, TW (Ed.) Impulsivity and Compulsivity. Psychopharmacology special issue, 219 (2): 607-20
Izquierdo A and Belcher AM (2012). Rodent models of adaptive decision making. In: Kobeissy FH (Ed.) Psychiatric Disorders: Methods Mol Biol, Humana Press, New York, 829: 85-101.
Kosheleff AR, Grimes M, O’Dell SJ, Marshall JF, Izquierdo A. (2012). Work aversion and associated changes in dopamine and serotonin transporter after methamphetamine exposure in rats. Psychopharmacology, 219(2): 411-20.
Ostrander S, Cazares VA, Kim C, Cheung S, Gonzalez I, Izquierdo A. (2011). Orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala lesions result in suboptimal and dissociable reward choices on cue-guided effort in rats. In: Baxter, MG (Ed.), Translating Models in Prefrontal Cortex Function between Animals and Humans. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125(3): 350-359.
Izquierdo A, Belcher AM, Scott L, Cazares VA, Chen J, O’Dell SJ, Malvaez M, Wu T, and Marshall JF (2010) Reversal-specific learning impairments following a binge regimen of methamphetamine in rats: Possible involvement of striatal dopamine. Neuropsychopharmacology 35: 505-514.
For a more complete list of publications by A Izquierdo, see here.